
The steady-state advocates for economic equality, and a heavily involved government to regulate resource use and the output of the market. By pursuing a state in which economic growth is no longer a goal, the government and citizens will be able to define their own ideas of progress and live happier lives. People will no longer be subject to capitalist exploitation and will be given the time and money to pursue their lifes passion. The steady state believes that ceasing economic growth is the only solution to the dire situation humans have put the environment in and address the disparities that exist in the current system. PAGE 29 VOL. 1, NO. 1 ZEITGEIST four-day work week is one example of a policy that will shift society towards steady-state economics. As of 2022, countries in Europe such as Belgium and Iceland are implementing shorter work weeks for workers. Reducing the number of hours worked will achieve multiple goals of the steady-state. Specifically, less work hours will reduce consumption of natural resources and cease economic growth (1). If there are less total work hours, the output will be reduced, which will in turn reduce consumption. This reduction of hours is positive for the environment because less resources like energy and land are consumed to make products. A journal article published in The European Financial Review titled, “A Four-Day Workweek” shares these conclusions, “…shorter work hours tend to have lower ecological footprints, carbon foot-prints, and carbon dioxide emissions (1). This article also discusses how working less hours a week will save on energy required to operate workplaces and will reduce energy required for transit if people have to travel to work one less day per week (1). Reducing the total number of hours worked will also benefit workers and adhere to the goals of the steady-state because it will spark intellectual growth and a better work-life balance. If countries were to focus on implementing policies that benefit citizens instead of ones focused solely on growth, they would see that reducing work hours is necessary. A shorter work week will increase the standard of living for workers because they will have more time for leisure (3). Working 8 hours less per week would have a significant impact in the lives of workers. People would have more time to dedicate to their relationships, hobbies, and other activities they enjoy.