Zeitgeist, Volume 2 Issue 1

CITATIONS The Current State of Conflict (1) United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “The Nazi Rise To Power.” Holocaust Encyclopedia. https://https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-nazi-riseto-power. Accessed on November 20, 2022. (2) Misra, Shubhangi. “The GameStop Story — How a Group of Investors on Reddit Gave Wall Street a Wild Week.” ThePrint, 30 Jan. 2021, https://theprint.in/theprintessential/the-gamestop-story-how-a-group-of-investors-on-reddit-gave-wall-street-a-wild-week/595181/. Queer Americans and Unions: Redefining Equality at Work (1) Susan Wood, "Unions, People, and Diversity: Building Solidarity Across a Diverse Membership" The Diversity Factor, Volume 7, Number 1, Fall 1998, In Cornell University Library, https://hdl.handle.net/1813/75182 (accessed May 13, 2022). 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(6) Andrew Ross, "Strike a Pose for Justice: The Barney’s Union Campaign of 1996," in Out at Work: Building a Gay-Labor Alliance, ed. Kitty Krupat, Patrick McCreery (University of Minnesota Press: 2001), 78-92. (7) American Federation of Teachers, "DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS DENOUNCED," American Federation of Teachers Archive, https://www.aft.org/resolution/discrimination-against-homosexuals-denounced (8)Miriam Frank, "From Common Enemies to Common Causes: The Labor Movement and the Gay Movement in Action and Coalition ," in Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America, (Temple University Press: 2014), 84. (9) Howard Wallace, “AFL-CIO Takes Strong Stand for Gay Rights,” San Francisco Vector, October 13, 1983, 1. (10)Susan Seager, “AFL-CIO ends convention with call for AIDS protection,” United Press International, November 1, 1985. (11) Allyson P. Brantley, "Hardhats May Be Misunderstood: The Boycott of Coors Beer and the Making of Gay-Labor-Chicana/o Alliances" Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 89, Number 2, 2020. (12) Miriam Frank, "From Common Enemies to Common Causes: The Labor Movement and the Gay Movement in Action and Coalition ," in Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America, (Temple University Press: 2014), 78. (13) Desma Holcomb, Nancy Wohlforth, "The Fruits of Our Labor: Pride at Work" New Labor Forum, Number 2, Spring-Summer 2001. (14) Miriam Frank, "From Common Enemies to Common Causes: The Labor Movement and the Gay Movement in Action and Coalition ," in Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America, (Temple University Press: 2014), 100-103. America's Colony: Puerto Rico and the Nationalist Party (1)Don Young, “UNITED STATES-PUERTO RICO POLITICAL STATUS ACT” (U.S. House of Representatives, July 26, 1996), https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRPT104hrpt713/html/CRPT-104hrpt713-pt1.htm. (2)Villanueva, Victor. “Colonial Memory and the Crime of Rhetoric: Pedro Albizu Campos.” College English 71, no. 6 (2009): 630–38. (3)Federico Ribes Tovar, Albizu Campos: Puerto Rican Revolutionary (New York: Plus Ultra Publishers, 1971) (4)Nelson A Denis, War Against All Puerto Ricans : Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony (New York: Bold Type Books, 2016). (5)Carlos Torres Morales, The Ponce Massacre Begins, April 2, 1937, War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony, April 2, 1937. (6)Ángel Lebrón Robles, Police Chief Orbeta Searches for Nationalist Snipers, March 21, 1937, Print, War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony, March 21, 1937. (7)Caricature by Manuel de Catalán; magazine, March 27, 1937, published in Florete (8)“7 Die in Puerto Rico Riot, 50 Injured as Police Fire on Fighting Nationalists,” New York Times , March 22, 1937, 1, 11. (9)J. M. Clark, “What Destiny?,” Washington Post, November 3, 1937, 9. 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